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Should Pregnant Moms Use Chemical-Based Disinfectants?

Should Pregnant Moms Use Chemical-Based Disinfectants?

The use of disinfectants – particularly chemical-based ones – has become quite common in recent years. Many people use chemical-based disinfectants daily as a part of their regular work duties. Little is currently known about the ways in which chemical-based disinfectants used by pregnant moms can affect their offspring in their early development years. However, one recent study concluded that children whose mothers regularly use chemical-based disinfectants as part of their regular work duties during their pregnancy have up to a 30% greater risk of developing asthma and eczema by age three. Regardless of whether the new mother returned to work when the child was one year old, prenatal exposure to chemical-based disinfectants was linked to a greater risk of asthma and eczema in the children.

The solution: use an eco-friendly, non-toxic disinfectant such as HOCl as a replacement for chemical-based disinfectants at your workplace, particularly if you are pregnant. Ideas for this blog were gathered from here and here. To learn more about using HOCl as a disinfectant, see here.