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What is HOCl?

HOCl is a chemical compound that exists in our bodies. It is endogenous!



    1. Originating internally.
    2. Originating or produced within an organism, tissue, or cell.

      The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

Clarification: The chemical structure of hypochlorous acid is comprised of one atom of oxygen, one atom of hydrogen, and one atom of chlorine. In Chemistry, oxygen is known as “O” (as in the first letter in the word “oxygen”), hydrogen is known as “H” (as in the first letter in the word “hydrogen”), and chlorine is known as Cl (as in the first and third letters in the word “chlorine”). Chemists know it as HOCl. 

The problem with using the proper chemistry name within the website is some readers, who may be unfamiliar with Chemistry, may think the last letter in HOCl is a capital “i” (as in the first letter in the word “ice”). This is an understandable error because at first glance HOCl appears as an acronym. Many of us have conditioned ourselves to view an uninterrupted block of four seemingly capital letters as an acronym. Those familiar with Chemistry know the last letter is actually a lowercase “l” (as in the first letter of “lollipop”). The goal of this site is not to teach Chemistry but to introduce the reader to the incredible features and benefits of hypochlorous acid. To lessen confusion, HOCl Inside has opted to illustrate hypochlorous acid as “HOCl”. HOCl Inside apologizes in advance to Chemistry purists. 

How Does it Work?

Our immune system uses HOCl in the fight against viruses, bacteria, and fungi. When the human body is cut, white blood cells are recruited to the area of infection. These white blood cells then release HOCl to attack and eliminate the pathogens by destroying their cell walls. This leads to cell apoptosis, also known as the death of the cell. Although viruses are not technically living organisms, they too are destroyed by HOCl.


HOCl is not stable in the presence of oxygen, heat, or direct sunlight. Until recently it was not possible to stabilize HOCl for more than 24 hours. Some bottling techniques can stabilize HOCl products for up to 30 days, however, once a container is opened the HOCl will slowly begin to break down and lose its ability to kill harmful bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Previously, the instability or short shelf-life made HOCl undesirable for general household disinfection and sanitization. 

Advances in Technologies

HOCl has been used for over a century to disinfect hospitals by sanitizing commonly used surfaces, sensitive equipment, and more. HOCl production requires technical expertise, special handling instructions, expensive equipment, and high-grade raw materials. This has made it generally unavailable for the public’s use. The HOCl industry is changing and new technologies as well as state of the art production processes have made shelf life significantly longer. 

A high quality, world class stabilized HOCl possesses the following attributes:

  • Non-toxic and no harsh fumes
  • Non-corrosive as it contains no harmful chemicals
  • No allergen or asthma triggers
  • Food surface and contact safe 
  • Animal safe